



The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot

Nine of Cups


Nine of Cups
Artwork by Barbara Wolfe

This card brings us simple pleasures of the flesh, physical satisfaction in the enjoyment of food, drink, sensual pleasures, emotional and physical contentment. Although we often look down on these pleasures as being secondary to intellectual ones, they are essential to our survival and enjoyment of life. By assuaging the physical, we aid the mental in performing as well.

This card shows a young woman pondering those riches held in her hand. Her eyes hold a satisfied, contented look, her lips soften in a smile. The cups themselves resemble palm trees, rich and green, a fertile growth in the abundance of the cups.

The Nine of Cups encourages us to satisfy physical needs, enjoy ourselves. This time is not meant to last for very long. Soon enough we will be summoned back to our work and the mundane tasks of everyday life, but we come back refreshed and renewed.

This card is often called the “wish card” for all the earthly pleasures we wish for.

A movie that celebrates the physical sensual pleasures on many levels would be Like Water for Chocolate. Moonstruck was a very passionate movie, focusing on the enjoyment of love, music and food.

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Disclaimer: This site is for entertainment purposes only. The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot card artwork and interpretations are copyright © NoMonet Full Court Press (1999) and may not be reproduced, sold or used for profit in any way without explicit written permission. All Rights Reserved.

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